The making of a pinhole camera
The making of a pinhole camera.
- Step one is to find a shoe box or similar size box, a roll of black duct tape, some foil, a pin, and some light sensitive paper.
- First step is to tape over every single crack or hole which good let any light into the box leaving the lid still functioning.
- Now cut out a square in the centre of the lid and tape s piece of foil over the hole, in the centre of the foil pierce a hole with the pin.
- After this create a flap over the foil with tape, this must be fully light proof and able t be opened and closed.
- The final step it to place a rolled piece of duct tape into the back of the box in a dark room with the flap closed.
- You are now ready to go outside with the box fully sealed and expose the paper to the light by opening the flap.
- Exposure times may vary from 5 seconds to 40 seconds.
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