Health and Safety In The Dark Room
Health and safety in the dark room.
- It it is important to always be safe in the dark room because the are plenty of hazards around, these include items such as enlargers which are both heavy and electrical meaning a potential fire or injury hazard, and also chemicals lying around which a potentially dangerous.
- A key way to remain safe is to wear gloves or use tongs whilst developing your pictures in the developing fluid stop fluid and fix fluid, this is because iff the chemicals come in contact with human skin for a large period of time irritation can occur.
- Another key point is not to eat or drink in the dark room as you could possibly be consuming chemical residue which has the same effect of irritation.
- You should always turn the extractor fan on when in the dark room because fumes accumulate which iff a student is exposed t for a long time could cause asthma to occur.
- Finally you should never bring bags or any unnecessary items in to the dark room as they are a potential trip hazard.
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